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As we get ready for this year’s Service and Leadership Symposium, we can’t help but look back at the amazing moments from last year’s event. The 2023 Symposium was a morning of inspiration, connection, and hands-on service that left a lasting impression on everyone who attended.

Awakening Our Genius

Our featured speaker was the brilliant rocket scientist and best-selling author Ozan Varol. His talk, based on his book Awaken Your Genius, amazed the audience with its message of finding and using our unique talents. Ozan’s stories and insights deeply touched everyone.

One attendee said, “Ozan Varol’s talk was amazing! His ideas really connected with everyone, especially the young people.”

Another shared, “Listening to Ozan Varol’s presentation – even though it was virtual, the split screen visuals and live questions made this better than live.”


Addressing the Loneliness Epidemic

The event also featured a meaningful conversation between LMFT Dr. Kitty Harris and our Executive Director, Sharon Bass, about the loneliness epidemic, outlined in this article by the US Surgeon General. This talk was a strong reminder of the importance of talking about loneliness and how community can benefit mental wellness.

One participant said, “The conversation between Dr. Harris and Sharon Bass about loneliness was something we all could relate to. It was brave and much needed.” 

Following this talk, the audience participated in a gratitude exercise where attendees wrote positive notes to each other. This simple activity was loved by many, with one attendee sharing, “Writing on the cards and handing them out to our peers was my favorite part.”

Connecting with Local Nonprofits

The agency fair gave participants a chance to meet local nonprofits and explore volunteer opportunities. 23 local nonprofits participated in the fair, creating hundreds of connections amongst our participants. One nonprofit agency reflected, “Getting the opportunity to recruit volunteers in-person was amazing.”


Hands-On Volunteer Projects

Participants also took part in on-site volunteer projects, completing 13 different projects that helped 1,038 people in our community. From making chemotherapy care packages to creating hygiene kits, the impact was felt amongst the crowd. 

Building Community and Belonging

The Symposium is designed to create a strong sense of community and belonging. “[My favorite part was] connecting with others and knowing that I am not the only one who sometimes feels alone,” shared one attendee.

Another added, “Getting to understand other people’s experiences of leadership, volunteering, and life” was a highlight of the event.

We are excited to build on the success of last year’s event. Join us for a day of inspiration, connection, and hands-on service at the 2024 Service and Leadership Symposium! We can’t wait to see you there!


Kayla Thrasher

Author Kayla Thrasher

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